Alleged Looter’s Lawyer Cries Racism

Alleged Looter's Lawyers Cry Racism

( – The lawyer representing a looter who livestreamed her crime to 200,000 Instagram followers is blaming her charges and criticism on racism.

Dayjia Blackwell, also known as “Meatball” among her digital fans, is facing six felony charges for the incident that occurred on September 26. Blackwell’s live stream follows her as she accompanies mobs of looters who broke into several retail stores in Philadelphia. She is being held on a $25,000 bond.

Jessica Mann, the attorney representing Blackwell, said she was “sickened” by the coverage of Blackwell’s case. Mann accused the media of using the incident to attack minorities “mercilessly.”

Mann also claimed that the looters were justified in their actions after the recent shooting of Eddie Irizarry, whom Officer Mark Dial fatally shot on August 14. Mann and other activists accused Dial of murdering Irizarry, although Irizarry was seen brandishing a knife.

The increase in looting has put pressure on Democrat lawmakers in Philadelphia, who are accused of either remaining silent or implicitly supporting rioters. Senators John Fetterman and Bob Casey have notably avoided the issue. Their constituents are urging them to speak up and take action.

Retailers have seen an unprecedented rise in retail crime throughout the year in far-left cities. Many incidents include organized efforts by mobs of violent looters. The surge in violence and crime has prompted retail giant Target to close nine stores in five blue cities and partner with the Department of Homeland Security.

The rise in retail crime follows the decision of Democrat officials to embrace the “Defund the Police” movement. Blue cities have slashed police funding in recent years, sometimes significantly. Hillary Ronen, the City Supervisor of San Francisco, notably supported the move, then reversed course after begging for more police officers earlier this year.

Her district has been hit especially hard by an increase in retail crime. She accused the officers and mayor of betraying her and her constituents. They frequently respond by telling her that no officers are available to send.

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