Abbott Vows to Protect the Border After SCOTUS Ruling

Abbott Vows to Protect the Border After SCOTUS Ruling

( – Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced “the fight is not over” and vowed to continue securing the state’s border with Mexico after the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the Biden administration’s calls to have the state’s razor fences cut down.

The 5-4 ruling was handed down on January 22nd after the state of Texas installed over 30 miles of razor fences along its border to stop illegal immigration. Federal Border Patrol agents later cut some segments of the wire down so that illegal immigrants could continue entering the country.

That led Texas to file a lawsuit against the federal government. It accused a federal agency of trespassing and damaging property belonging to the state. The Biden administration responded by issuing an emergency request to SCOTUS. They claimed the existing razor wires prevented federal officials from reaching and apprehending illegal immigrants who had already entered the country.

A federal judge initially ruled against the state of Texas. However, the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals, based in New Orleans, overturned that judge’s decision and stopped Border Patrol agents from cutting the wire unless a medical emergency warranted it.

Abbot called the razor wire “an effective deterrent” and claimed that he will continue to secure the state’s border while preventing federal officials from destroying property owned by the state.

Chris Olivarez, a spokesman for the state’s Department of Public Safety, said via X that Texas will continue its current efforts to curb illegal immigration. He also promised to use every resource possible to impede the border crisis and accused other border states of doing too little. He then questioned the federal government’s insistence to help migrants enter the country illegally.

The razor wire was originally installed as part of the state’s Operation Lone Star. The operation also included the transportation of illegal immigrants to blue cities across the nation. They also began cracking down on illegal immigrants by arresting them for trespassing. The razor fence is currently still in place.

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