Controversial New California Ban Signed Into Law

Signed into law

California’s new law on deepfakes sets the stage for a high-stakes clash between Governor Newsom and Elon Musk.

At a Glance

  • California Governor Gavin Newsom signed groundbreaking bills banning political deepfakes.
  • Elon Musk challenged the law by endorsing an AI-altered video of Vice President Kamala Harris.
  • The law mandates disclosures in political ads and penalizes creators of misleading content.
  • Newsom emphasized the importance of election integrity and public trust.

California’s Strict Anti-Deepfake Legislation

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law the nation’s most stringent measures against politically charged deepfakes, aiming to curb AI-generated misinformation during election periods. The laws require political ads to disclose the use of generative AI technology and mandate online platforms to remove deceptive content within 72 hours. Violators face penalties, ensuring accountability for those spreading false information about political candidates.

The law took effect following a series of alarming AI-generated videos, including one endorsed by Elon Musk that doctored footage of Vice President Kamala Harris. This controversy has highlighted the urgent need for regulations to maintain the integrity of elections and public trust in a digital age dominated by advanced technology.

Musk’s Defiance and Criticism

Elon Musk’s posting of a deepfake video portraying Harris making satirical statements has intensified the debate around AI and free speech. Musk criticized Newsom’s legislation, arguing that it unjustly limits parody and violates constitutional rights. He posted the doctored video, which reached nearly 140 million views, sparking outrage and drawing further scrutiny to the use of AI in the political sphere.

“Safeguarding the integrity of elections is essential to democracy, and it’s critical that we ensure AI is not deployed to undermine the public’s trust through disinformation – especially in today’s fraught political climate,” Newsom said in a statement.

Despite the criticism, the law aims to establish a precedent for responsible AI use, ensuring that the technology is not weaponized to deceive voters. As Musk’s actions show, the line between permissible parody and harmful misinformation is increasingly blurred in the digital age.

Legislative Measures for Transparency and Accountability

Assembly Bill 2355 and Assembly Bill 2655 are among the key components of California’s new legislative framework. AB 2355 demands transparency in political advertisements, explicitly requiring the disclosure of any generative AI technology used. This aims to equip voters with the tools to discern factual information from manipulative content.

Additionally, AB 2655 places the onus on large online platforms to swiftly address deceptive content related to elections by requiring its removal or labeling within 72 hours of discovery. These measures underscore California’s leadership in establishing a legal framework to combat the misuse of deepfake technology.


  1. Gavin Newsom Targets AI Deepfakes With New Law
  2. Musk Attacks Newsom, Says California’s New Anti-Deepfake Law Makes ‘Parody Illegal’
  3. California Passes Election ‘Deepfake’ Laws, Forcing Social Media Companies to Take Action
  4. Gavin Newsom signs AI bills aimed at fighting election deepfakes like those spread by Elon Musk
  5. California governor signs laws to crack down on election deepfakes created by AI
  6. Will California flip the AI industry on its head?
  7. California Bans AI-Generated Political Deepfakes Ahead of 2024 Election
  8. Gavin Newsom signs AI bills aimed at fighting election deepfakes like those spread by Elon Musk