Bronx Attorney Accused in Shocking Federal Fraud Case

Plead Guilty

A Bronx lawyer’s immigration scam unravels, exposing widespread fraud and exploitation of vulnerable asylum seekers.

At a Glance

  • Kofi Amankwaa, 70, pleaded guilty to large-scale immigration fraud.
  • Exploited Violence Against Women Act to expedite clients’ legal status.
  • Faces up to 10 years in prison and $16 million in restitution.
  • Son and staff members also under investigation for involvement.

Bronx Lawyer Admits to Massive Immigration Fraud Scheme

Former Bronx attorney Kofi Amankwaa, 70, has pleaded guilty to orchestrating a large-scale immigration fraud scheme that exploited vulnerable asylum seekers and undermined the U.S. immigration system. Amankwaa’s admission to federal charges on September 17 marks the culmination of a years-long operation that bilked millions from unsuspecting clients and potentially jeopardized their immigration status.

From September 2016 to November 2023, Amankwaa filed thousands of fraudulent immigration papers under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), falsely claiming his clients were victims of domestic abuse. This deceptive tactic was designed to fast-track their path to citizenship, exploiting a provision that allows noncitizen victims of domestic abuse to obtain lawful permanent residence status more quickly.

Exploitation of Vulnerable Immigrants

Amankwaa charged his unsuspecting clients between $3,000 and $6,000 for his fraudulent services. Many of these immigrants were unaware of the false claims being made on their behalf, leading to severe consequences. Some clients faced deportation due to conflicting information in their immigration documents, highlighting the devastating impact of Amankwaa’s deceit on those seeking a better life in America.

“Today’s guilty plea highlights this office’s dedication to holding accountable those who abuse the trust placed in them as attorneys and fraudulently use our immigration system as a tool for their own financial gain.” – Damian Williams, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York

The scale of Amankwaa’s fraud is staggering. As part of his guilty plea, he must forfeit $13.4 million and pay over $16.5 million in restitution to victims. This substantial financial penalty underscores the extensive nature of his fraudulent activities and the number of individuals affected by his scheme.

Family Involvement and Ongoing Investigations

The fraud extends beyond Amankwaa himself. His son, Kofi Amankwaa Jr., and other staff members are also under scrutiny for their alleged roles in the fraudulent operation. Some staff members reportedly falsely presented themselves as attorneys, further deceiving clients seeking legitimate legal assistance. The office of State Attorney General Letitia James has launched a separate lawsuit against Amankwaa, his son, and other staff members in Bronx County Supreme Court, indicating the far-reaching implications of this case.

“As alleged, Kofi Amankwaa, an immigration attorney, and his son, Kofi Amankwaa, Jr., sought to make a mockery of the U.S. immigration system by conspiring to defraud the United States and commit immigration fraud. Amankwaa and his son allegedly exploited the Violence Against Women Act — a law that allows noncitizen victims of domestic abuse a path to lawful permanent residence status — for their own financial gain by falsely claiming that their clients were victims of domestic abuse. Thanks to the dedicated actions of our law enforcement partners and the career prosecutors of this Office, the defendants must now answer for these crimes.” – U.S. Attorney Damian Williams

The case against Amankwaa and his associates serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities within the immigration system and the need for vigilant oversight. It also highlights the importance of thorough vetting of legal professionals handling sensitive immigration matters. As investigations continue, authorities are encouraging victims of Amankwaa’s fraud to come forward and contact [email protected] for assistance.

This case underscores the ongoing challenges in maintaining the integrity of the U.S. immigration system and protecting vulnerable individuals seeking legal status. It serves as a cautionary tale for those navigating the complex immigration process and emphasizes the need for increased scrutiny and reform to prevent similar exploitative schemes in the future.


  1. Former Bronx attorney pleads guilty to immigration fraud, ordered to pay over $30 Million in restitution: Feds
  2. Bronx Former Attorney Pleads Guilty To Large-Scale Immigration Fraud
  3. NYC lawyer admits he gamed immigration system in plea that could force him to pay $16M in restitution
  4. Bronx Attorney Charged With Large-Scale Immigration Fraud Scheme
  5. Lawyer and Son Ensnared Hundreds of Immigrants in Fraud Scheme, U.S. Says
  6. HSI Newark Investigation Leads to Former Bronx Attorney’s Guilty Plea in Large-Scale Immigration Fraud Scheme
  7. NYC lawyer admits he gamed immigration system in plea that could force him to pay $16M in restitution
  8. Former Bronx immigration attorney admits to fraud targeting vulnerable families
  9. Former Bronx attorney pleads guilty to immigration fraud
  10. New York Lawyer Pleads Guilty to Immigration Fraud Scheme, Faces 10 Years in Prison